It appears the idea was scrapped, as normal Zamasu became your mentor in the fifth DLC.

Lastly, and oddly, Recoome could perform the Dancing Parapara. Goten could access the Kaioken and use Solar Flare, Dancing Parapara and the Justice Pose. Videl could perform the Volleyball Fist and Dynamite Kick, use the Power Pole and use the Dancing Parapara. Gogeta could use Kaioken and perform the Spirit Bomb, Galick Gun, Destructo-Disc, Solar Flare, and Final Flash. Vegito could go Super Saiyan 2 and use the Destructo-Disc and Spirit Bomb. Teen Gohan, Future Gohan and Adult/Ultimate Gohan could use Special Beam Cannon. Goku and Goten could use the Power Pole and the Jan-Ken-Pon attack.

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