Dragon ball xenoverse 2 extra pack 4 costumes display
Dragon ball xenoverse 2 extra pack 4 costumes display

It appears the idea was scrapped, as normal Zamasu became your mentor in the fifth DLC.

  • Some magazines stated that Fused Zamasu would become a mentor for your character in one of the DLC.
  • This seems to tie into Extra Pack 2, where players are given some manner of customization for the canon characters.

    dragon ball xenoverse 2 extra pack 4 costumes display

    Lastly, and oddly, Recoome could perform the Dancing Parapara. Goten could access the Kaioken and use Solar Flare, Dancing Parapara and the Justice Pose. Videl could perform the Volleyball Fist and Dynamite Kick, use the Power Pole and use the Dancing Parapara. Gogeta could use Kaioken and perform the Spirit Bomb, Galick Gun, Destructo-Disc, Solar Flare, and Final Flash. Vegito could go Super Saiyan 2 and use the Destructo-Disc and Spirit Bomb. Teen Gohan, Future Gohan and Adult/Ultimate Gohan could use Special Beam Cannon. Goku and Goten could use the Power Pole and the Jan-Ken-Pon attack.

  • Audio files revealed that some of the characters had extra attacks attached to them.
  • Chronoa (a.k.a Supreme Kai of Time) was at one point in development going to have a much ◊ more adult ◊ and shapely ◊ design before being changed into a half pint.
  • During a TFS livestream, Nick Landis mentioned that he recorded voice clips for Majins absorbing other characters (like Super Buu did to Gotenks, Piccolo, and Gohan) this may have been intended to be the Majin race's original transformation before they were given a Pure form in line with Dragon Ball Online.
  • Throw It In: Nick Landis clarified during a TFS Gaming livestream that, at the encouragement of Christopher Sabat, he and the rest of Team Four Star were allowed to improvise a lot of their lines.
  • But this time, we also have Yuriko Yamaguchi and Caitlin Glass (the latter was also in the previous game) as the Time Patroller and Vados.
  • Like in previous games, Natsuki Hanae voices the Time Patroller and Jaco.
  • Masako Nozawa, as always, as well, since she voices Goku, Gohan, Goten, Bardock, Turles, and Goku Black.
  • In addition to the usual examples, Sean Schemmel provides the voice of Goku Black, as well as reprising his roles as Goku, Tokitoki, and Nail.
  • Real-Life Relative: Frost is voiced by Greg Ayres, brother of Frieza's voice actor, Chris Ayres.
  • James Marsters became a Converted Fanboy after researching the franchise for his role as Demon King Piccolo in Dragonball Evolution.
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    dragon ball xenoverse 2 extra pack 4 costumes display

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    Dragon ball xenoverse 2 extra pack 4 costumes display